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November 18, 2011


London Accountant

"Humans - they are weak! They are easily destroyed! Ooh look, wool!"


It's funny how we can't help but think our cats have similar emotions to ourselves. I have 6 cats and sometimes when we are relaxed together and they amuse me, I laugh out loud.....they are not amused, but instead startled and wary.
But I suspect we will continue our association as I seem to be totally addicted to my babies. :)

Bob The Cat

Hello fellow Cat Blogger =^..^=


Hello Bob! We like to meet new kitties. Our Human has not been giving us regular access to the computer lately, so we have not been able to update. But Bonkers will find a way.


I always beat my cats at staring competitions. After awhile they close their eyes in a smile.

Although you always know when you are being stared at by a cat, you get that certain tingling feeling on your neck :)


you'll definitely laugh at this cat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-MiqR98q2I


Humans are easily amused indeed! Its because you cats make us giggle so much :)

Pet Lovers Unite!!!

ahhh... we can't really win the staring competitions with these cats. :)

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