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15 October 2009


Cool entry (I meant to say closer to the time).
All my old tapes would bring back memories of is recording them from the radio and listening to them on my paper round...

Hey, it's been a while - how goes it?

Pretty good overall. Busy with work and working out. Looking forward to the holidays. Are you over your birthday yet, or are you still celebrating?


I'm still kind-of celebrating in a very low key way (having one of the left over beers when I get home from work - that sort of thing).

I've just put in the dates for the week and a bit break I need to take before Christmas (which, yet again, I typed 'Christams' whatever that means). So that'll be good.

How's the working out going?

Sorry for the delay in replying Tim. The working out is going well. . .I have a partner from work who is going through the program with me. We do 45 minutes of weights and 45 minutes of cardio. . .three times a week. I'm feeling stronger, having more energy, and eating in a more healthy manner. It will probably take me a year to get to my goal, but now I know I can do it.

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